View Full Version : Glass Roof

Cobra Drifter
09-26-2010, 09:08 PM
So thinking about getting a glass roof but I hear they have to cut it. Just found a friend (out of state) that has a 06 GT with one and told me that you dont have to cut it per-se. Just grind off the rivits that hold on the metal roof panel and it comes right off.

Question: Is this the same for the 07-09 GT500's?


09-26-2010, 10:13 PM
I was wearing a hat but arms and legs and face still burned.

So any more info on the roof panel? :)

Here's and install of one Bro....


Cobra Drifter
09-26-2010, 10:25 PM
Thanks for hte video :)

Hmm, but see they cut the roof. From what I hear, you dont have to do that if you remove the entire roof panel by grinding off the rivents.

09-26-2010, 11:50 PM
From what I have heard the aftermarket version is similar but not exactly the same as the ones in the new Mustangs.

Cutting the roof is required for the aftermarket conversion on the 05+'s. If it is any consolation, the material used in the glass roof is stronger than the metal in the stock roof.

Cobra Drifter
09-27-2010, 12:00 AM
Ive asked which brand roof he has so awaiting reply on that.

I suppose the oem roof is too costly to buy and install ourselves?

Ive also read that in high power cars the body flex when under high load can cause the roof to shatter. Is this true?

09-27-2010, 12:12 AM
Classic design concepts used to sell a glassback roof kit for 05-09's, but it is no longer listed on their website.

09-27-2010, 12:16 AM
Ive also read that in high power cars the body flex when under high load can cause the roof to shatter. Is this true?

You should be ok...

Cobra Drifter
09-27-2010, 12:19 AM
Classic design concepts used to sell a glassback roof kit for 05-09's, but it is no longer listed on their website.

Im buying one second hand. Guy says just need to use a heat gun and remove just like the rear winsheild does.
Otherwise it would be out of budget for me. I learned from :monkey:


09-27-2010, 12:29 AM
What about the inside panels... You will have to do some major interior mods too...

09-27-2010, 12:48 AM
Classic design concepts used to sell a glassback roof kit for 05-09's, but it is no longer listed on their website.

No doubt due to that "LIABILITY" word....

09-27-2010, 12:49 AM
Im buying one second hand. Guy says just need to use a heat gun and remove just like the rear winsheild does.
Otherwise it would be out of budget for me. I learned from :monkey:


And what is this dude putting in the hole after he removes and sells you his glass roof? :rofl:

Cobra Drifter
09-27-2010, 01:08 AM
And what is this dude putting in the hole after he removes and sells you his glass roof? :rofl:

Hes going targa top so he will be cutting his replacement roof panel and doing some custom fabbing

09-27-2010, 03:44 AM
If it's primarily for show an aftermarket glassroofs look almost as nicely integated as the factory, imo, but the factory glassroof has been engineered and tested to OEM new car standards and maintain the mustang's all 5-star rating.

If I recall right, after much design, engineering and refinement, when the dust settled Ford had crahsed well over a dozen mustangs in early 2007 (for the 2008 glassroof option) to validate that the factory glass roof exceeded all applicable crash tests and could take the tortional loads, etc. The aftermarket units are not held to similar standards.

The glass itself is very strong but I'm sort of skeptical that an installed aftermarket assembly is anywhere near as strong as the factory-engineered and tested glass roof assembly, especially when exposed to high-HP/torque and sticky tire launches, etc.

Possibly that's not a concern if mostly for show. The glassroof is also heavier than the stock roof, if that matters.

Some info I found...

"The 2010 Mustang builds on the safety success of the 2008 Mustang, which became the first sports car and the first convertible to earn five-stars from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for frontal crash, side impact and rollover tests.

The Mustang's considerable body stiffness contributes to its driving performance and has an added benefit in accident protection ... the coupe's body structure is 31 percent stiffer in torsional rigidity than its predecessor...

The 2010 Ford Glass Roof Mustang offers consumers convertible-like driving without the need for sunscreen, because its factory-installed panoramic 2010 Ford Mustang glass roof filters 90 percent of the sun's heat-generating infrared (IR) rays and 96 percent of burn-causing ultraviolet (UV) rays.

The UV-filtering capability of the new Mustang's fixed glass roof is comparable to sunscreen lotion with a sun protection factor (SPF) of approximately 50, which exceeds the dermatologist-recommended sunscreen strength of at least SPF-15.

The 2010 Ford Mustang glass roof's ability to filter IR rays reduces heat load in the cabin so that occupants remain comfortable while enjoying the sun. The reflective glass also reduces energy used by the vehicle's air conditioner system while protecting the interior fabric from fading and deteriorating. ..."

Cobra Drifter
09-27-2010, 03:58 AM
Thanks for the info! :)

09-27-2010, 05:46 AM
If it's primarily for show an aftermarket glassroofs look almost as nicely integated as the factory, imo, but the factory glassroof has been engineered and tested to OEM new car standards and maintain the mustang's all 5-star rating.

If I recall right, after much design, engineering and refinement, when the dust settled Ford had crahsed well over a dozen mustangs in early 2007 (for the 2008 glassroof option) to validate that the factory glass roof exceeded all applicable crash tests and could take the tortional loads, etc. The aftermarket units are not held to similar standards.

The glass itself is very strong but I'm sort of skeptical that an installed aftermarket assembly is anywhere near as strong as the factory-engineered and tested glass roof assembly, especially when exposed to high-HP/torque and sticky tire launches, etc.

Possibly that's not a concern if mostly for show. The glassroof is also heavier than the stock roof, if that matters.

Some info I found...

"The 2010 Mustang builds on the safety success of the 2008 Mustang, which became the first sports car and the first convertible to earn five-stars from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for frontal crash, side impact and rollover tests.

The Mustang's considerable body stiffness contributes to its driving performance and has an added benefit in accident protection ... the coupe's body structure is 31 percent stiffer in torsional rigidity than its predecessor...

The 2010 Ford Glass Roof Mustang offers consumers convertible-like driving without the need for sunscreen, because its factory-installed panoramic 2010 Ford Mustang glass roof filters 90 percent of the sun's heat-generating infrared (IR) rays and 96 percent of burn-causing ultraviolet (UV) rays.

The UV-filtering capability of the new Mustang's fixed glass roof is comparable to sunscreen lotion with a sun protection factor (SPF) of approximately 50, which exceeds the dermatologist-recommended sunscreen strength of at least SPF-15.

The 2010 Ford Mustang glass roof's ability to filter IR rays reduces heat load in the cabin so that occupants remain comfortable while enjoying the sun. The reflective glass also reduces energy used by the vehicle's air conditioner system while protecting the interior fabric from fading and deteriorating. ..."

I don't recall a glass roof option in 2008?

The only 07-09 that I recall with a Factory Glass Roof was that "One-Off" Black KR that was auctioned at BJ.

Did FORD change their mind about the Glass Roof and delay it until '11?

09-27-2010, 06:06 AM
So thinking about getting a glass roof but I hear they have to cut it. Just found a friend (out of state) that has a 06 GT with one and told me that you dont have to cut it per-se. Just grind off the rivits that hold on the metal roof panel and it comes right off.

Question: Is this the same for the 07-09 GT500's?


Here's Jeff Yurgovich from R&A Motorsports installing a glass roof with the cutting method. Note how flimsy the roof looks when he takes it off. He says the glass makes the car more structurally sound.

This is a Twister and he had several at Shelbyfest 2 years ago. I think there were one or two this year. It's a cool look from inside and outside the car.


09-27-2010, 06:16 AM
I don't recall a glass roof option in 2008?

The only 07-09 that I recall with a Factory Glass Roof was that "One-Off" Black KR that was auctioned at BJ.

Did FORD change there mind about the Glass Roof and delay it until '11?

You're correct, JT, must have been a year later ...was announced June 18, 2008 for the 2009 V6 and GT (http://media.ford.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=28473). :tiphat2:...then intro'd on the '11 GT500 (http://media.ford.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=32974).

Cobra Drifter
09-27-2010, 06:42 AM
Here's Jeff Yurgovich from R&A Motorsports installing a glass roof with the cutting method. Note how flimsy the roof looks when he takes it off. He says the glass makes the car more structurally sound.

This is a Twister and he had several at Shelbyfest 2 years ago. I think there were one or two this year. It's a cool look from inside and outside the car.


Great video. Very good to see it from the inside and the additional information.


But still cant find info on this rivit removal technique. Been googling off and on all evening. :(

09-27-2010, 08:28 PM
It seems that their method if installing the aftermarket glass roof requires the perimeter of the stock roof to remain in place. Dunno if factory arrangement is similar or not.

They also say that Ford crash tested the glass roof (true) and it's stronger than stock (true) ...but Ford didn't crash test *that* roof ...the devil might be in the implication that they're identical and therefore perform identically (structurally and glass/thermal engineering) -- sems doubtful, imho.

There was also the magic-occurs-here moment on the corrosion protection not being breeched ...then later something about special chemicals not availabe to most installers or something like that ...then a cut in the video and the whole perimiter remainder of the metal roof is now all even and black/dark -- what happened between that ...what chemistry? ...how does it get applied? ...how long does it take? ...etc. Might be no biggie, but the gross skip-over is unsettling.

Not saying there's anything inherently wrong with an aftermarket glassroof but when I see such 'slight-of-hand' and gloss-over rhetoric it surely makes me suspect it's not the same as the factory glassroof in some material and possibly important ways.

Also, if all Ford had to do is glue in a piece of glass on an alternatively-prepped perimieter roof, I doubt the factory option would cost $2K, but dunno, even without seeing how the headliners and retractible screens, etc., compare ...assuming the aftermarket has the retractable screen and the materials/fitments are somewhat visually and fiunctionally comparable.

Still, a cool aftermarket option and a really nice look.

Cobra Drifter
09-29-2010, 08:07 AM
Found out that the glass is the CDC brand.