View Full Version : Raptor MPG - getting better with age

08-07-2013, 05:48 PM
We took the raptor out to Geneva, OH this past week end for Kyle's Zone (Regional) swimming championships. I was keeping the cruis on around 73-74mph most of the way and the Raptor did quite well for MPG on the highway....for it anyway.

This was taken just after we were getting off of the highway between Cleveland and Mentor, OH where we stayed. On the way home I went a little faster but still managed to pull 16.2 with about 5-6 stops along the way for kyle to eat, pee, etc. The nice thing is with the big gas tank I never had to stop for gas either direction.

16.6 mpg in this truck is pretty solid! I am averaging just over 13mpg since the start of April with a mix of driving conditions and not really trying to save gas.

08-07-2013, 07:48 PM
Not bad, Chris! ...especially considering it's height and larger (than reg F150) frontal area.

08-07-2013, 09:47 PM
Better than the standard truck of a few years ago.

08-08-2013, 04:55 PM
If I reset mine for a long trip, I'm getting between 17 and 18 on the highway running 5mph above the posted limit of 70. Not bad for a 6.2 liter.


08-08-2013, 08:26 PM
The average for my Raptor is 10.74 mpg... Shelby is about 14.7 mpg...

08-09-2013, 04:24 AM
The average for my Raptor is 10.74 mpg... Shelby is about 14.7 mpg...

...did you hire TG to drive it? :shades: I used to get a bit more with my '78 carb'd 460cid 4x4 camper-van (averaged 11.3 mpg for an 8,800+ mile 6-week cross country loop through 15+ national parks in '81 ...that was just before the BFG All Terrains first came into the market; they were my next set of tires ...and the next ...and the next ...and the next ...and... -lol).

:sofa: ;-)

King Cobra
08-09-2013, 08:58 AM
I'm averaging 14.0 with the Raptor....

08-09-2013, 06:46 PM
I did a test coming home from my parents this morning... Reset the milage thing, drove the speed limit, did slow stops and starts easing onto the gas pedal... The average showed 16.22 mpg...

Took longer to get home though...

In conclusion, my time is worth more than gas mileage!!

08-09-2013, 09:17 PM
I did a test coming home from my parents this morning... Reset the milage thing, drove the speed limit, did slow stops and starts easing onto the gas pedal... The average showed 16.22 mpg...

Took longer to get home though...

In conclusion, my time is worth more than gas mileage!!

We know how you drive Stacey. I'm surprised you were getting 10.74 mpg. :haha:


Tommy Gun
08-09-2013, 10:05 PM
The average for my Raptor is 10.74 mpg... Shelby is about 14.7 mpg...

My Shelby is 8-9, you need to drive that thing. :shades:

Tommy Gun
08-09-2013, 10:06 PM
......my time is worth more than gas mileage!!

You are my hero. :grin:

08-09-2013, 10:33 PM
My Shelby is 8-9, you need to drive that thing. :shades:

Bet mine has more miles on it than yours... About 27000 miles on my 09...

Tommy Gun
08-10-2013, 12:07 AM
I'm near 41,000 on a 2007.

Tommy Gun
08-10-2013, 12:08 AM
Subtract about 1500 for wheel spin. :rofl3:

08-10-2013, 12:11 AM
I'm near 41,000 on a 2007.

Nice!! So you do drive it...

Tommy Gun
08-10-2013, 02:00 AM
Nice!! So you do drive it...

I drive my car practically every weekend. I love driving whatever, but I happen to have a GT500.

If it's nice out I drive my car most Fridays Saturdays and Sundays if I get the chance.

That may soon change a bit, I have a new baby coming....maybe as early as tomorrow. :innocent:


Joe G
08-10-2013, 02:03 AM
I drive my car practically every weekend. I love driving whatever, but I happen to have a GT500.

If it's nice out I drive my car most Fridays Saturdays and Sundays if I get the chance.

That may soon change a bit, I have a new baby coming....maybe as early as tomorrow. :innocent:

That Ford GT finally come? :spend:

Tommy Gun
08-10-2013, 02:09 AM
That would be my dream, but no. :nonono:

Joe G
08-10-2013, 02:15 AM
That would be my dream, but no. :nonono:

That new Crapmaro you've been drooling over?

Tommy Gun
08-10-2013, 02:28 AM
That is what my friends would buy me, no. :nonono:

Think harder....

Joe G
08-10-2013, 02:34 AM
A Mustang II w/ a younger CP? :idea:

http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/JoeG_09/Snoop/DoniaandMustangII.jpg (http://s218.photobucket.com/user/JoeG_09/media/Snoop/DoniaandMustangII.jpg.html)

08-10-2013, 03:17 AM
I did a test coming home from my parents this morning... Reset the milage thing, drove the speed limit, did slow stops and starts easing onto the gas pedal... The average showed 16.22 mpg...

Took longer to get home though...

In conclusion, my time is worth more than gas mileage!!

Wow -- huge difference! But, yeah, that's no fun!

08-10-2013, 03:32 AM
Wow -- huge difference! But, yeah, that's no fun!

People were going around me constantly... Now I know how slow drivers feel...

Joe G
08-10-2013, 04:48 AM
People were going around me constantly... Now I know how slow drivers feel...

Yeah... they don't normally see BLACK cars go slow. An anomaly for sure. :grin:

Boston Mike
08-11-2013, 01:57 PM
The 6.7L averages 15.5-16.5 mpg city for me. Last long highway run I made netted me over 20.